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Media Filters

فلتر الوسائط  - فیلتر رسانه
Media filter is used to reduce the level of suspended solids (turbidity) in feed water. Suspended solids consist of small particles such as silt, clay, grit, organic matter, algae and other microorganisms.  Feed water that is high in suspended solids can cause a high pressure drop and reduce the effectiveness of downstream equipment such as reverse osmosis membranes and ion exchange beds
There are three kind of media filter;
  • Single media filter (Sand Filter)(مرشح رمل) (فیلتر شنی تحت فشار)
  • Dual media filter (مرشح مزدوج الوسائط) (فیلتر رسانه دوگانه)
  • Multi media filter (مرشح الوسائط المتعددة) (فیلتر چند رسانه ای)
Sand Filter           ; Sand filter contains only one kind of media, gravel and sand.
Dual Media Filters ; Dual media filters contains anthracite sand and gravel.
Multi Media Filters ; Multi media filters contains anthracite, sand, garnet and gravel.
Dual and multi media filters contain density graded layers of granular filter media. Suspended solids, as small as 10 microns, are removed from liquids that are passed through these filters.
What is the Typical Media Height in Media Filter? 
Sand  Filter        Size                  Height
Sand                  0.8  - 1.4           800 - 1200 mm
Gravel                6.0  - 13            150 -  300   mm
Dual Media Filter (مرشح مزدوج الوسائط)
Anthracite           1.2  - 2.5          300 - 500  mm
Sand                    0.8  - 1.4         600 - 750  mm
Gravel                  6.0  - 13          150 - 300  mm
Multi Media Filter (مرشح الوسائط المتعددة)
Anthracite           1.2  - 2.5          300 - 500  mm
Sand                    0.8  - 1.4          300 - 500  mm
Garnet                 0.3  - 0.6          100 - 400  mm
Garnet                 1.4  - 2.4          100 - 150  mm
Gravel                 6.0  - 13           150 - 300  mm
Multi media filters use layers of different filter media to remove suspended solids from water. A typical multi media filter has anthracite in the top layer, sand in the middle, and garnet on the bottom. They are often used in conjunction with a polymer feed system and/or coagulant dosing system to improve filtration efficiency.
enki design also multi media filter according to custom requirement and specific application.