enki products
- Media Filters
- Activated Carbon Filter
- Calcite Filter
- Horizontal Sand Filter
- Softener
- Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis
- Membrane Cleaning Unit
- CO2 Degasser
- Mixed-bed Ion Exchanger
- Industrial Ultrafiltration
- Cooling Water Filtration
- Odor Removal Plant
- Package Water Treatment Plant
- Disinfection
- Sewage Treatment Plant STP
- Containerized Reverse Osmosis
- Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
- Sea Water Reverse Osmosis SWRO
- Demineralizers (Ion Exchanger)
- Electrodeionization (EDI)
- Chemical Dosing Unit
- Iron Manganese Filter
- Price List
- Dosing / Storage Tank
Calcite Filter
مصفي الجير والحجر - Kalksteinfilter - Filtre de pierre calcaire - فیلتر کلسیت
Why is used a "calcite filter" ?
In desalination plant, after with "reverse osmosis" is produced very pure water (permeate). The pure permeate water is very corrosive and must be remineralized to protect downstream pipelines/storage systems from corrosion and to meet the required standards for human consumption (drinking water).
"Calcite" is used to neutralize the pH and to add calcium and bicarbonates to acidic waters such as groundwater, rain water or reverse osmosis permeate. If water does not contain any aggressive CO2, CO2 gas must be injected prior to "calcite filter" inlet.
The re-mineralization using lime and carbondioxide follows the chemical reaction presented below;
2 CO2 + Ca(OH)2 ----> Ca(HCO3)2
CaCO3 + H2SO4 ----> CaSO4 + H2O+CO2
CaCO3 + H2O+CO2 ----> Ca(HCO3)2
2 CaCO3+H2SO4 ----> Ca(HCO3)2 + CaSO4
enki design also calcite filter according to custom requirement and specific application.