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Mixed-bed Ion Exchanger

مبدل أيون مختلط  -  Mischbett-Ionenaustauscher  - Échangeur d'ions à lit mixte -  أيون مبادل
Both cation and anion resin can be feed in to an ion exchanger tank and mixed to create a mixedbed ion exchanger. A mixedbed ion exchanger is more complicated than other types of ion exchangers because it has to separate and regenerate the two resins.
The carefull mixing of the cation and anion resin allows a very high degree of deionization. Mixed bed ion exchangers produce the highest quality demineralized water of any of the ion exchanger units.
Working mixedbed ion exchangers deionize water with up to 50 ppm TDS (Total Dissolved Solids). Polishing mixedbed ion exchangers are located after cation and anion exchangers or reverse osmosis units
Strong acid cation and strong base anion resins are used in mixedbed ion exchangers, as complete demineralization is the objective. A small volume of inert resin can also be used to facilitate separation of the cation and anion resin beads during regeneration
enki design and supply mixedbed ion exchanger according to custom requirement and specific application.